Keep reading below the agenda. I copied much of the Board Packet/ to make it easier... but you should see the entire BOARD PACKET of details....
choose: Board of Trustees, Board Packet, Aug. 10.... a PDF of 87 pages.
Notice: there was NO DOLLAR figure given for delinquent SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (agenda #4)... roads/ water/sewer/ etc.... WHY?
Agenda #5... Financial Quarterly Reports: I HATE %... I want $$$ figures. Where is full transparency?
Agenda # 6... read Board Packet carefully.... show up at the public hearing.... the township lawyer has already written the resolution to approve. Do you want this? See: Lean & Green Michigan
Agenda # 8... is listed BEFORE PUBLIC COMMENT..... and has NO details in the board packet...
So here is the rumor I've heard.... The Bloomfield Hills School District has already purchased a sign for the new HIGH SCHOOL... that CLEARLY... does not adhere to the sign ordinances. Surely someone at involved in the construction KNEW... that signs need approval. THIS ISSUE... has been in "hiding" all summer... now it is crunch time... school will begin soon... will the Township CAVE... and permit a sign... that is found/permitted no where else in the Township? Will this lead to future signs of this type? AGAIN... RUMOR.... but WHY does it need to go to attorney /client behind closed doors. My guess/ so the public does not learn of the deal made....or not.
FROM AGENDA #2 Board Packet
FROM AGENDA #3 Board Packet
FROM AGENDA #4 Board Packet
FROM AGENDA #5 Board Packet
MUCH MORE TO READ: Board of Trustees/Board Packet/August 10, 2015... pages 29-73/ 87 in the PDF
WHO IS LEVIN ENERGY PARTNERS, LLC.... and how did this group get chosen? Are there OTHER companies that do the same thing? Should there have been a RFP? Was there? Who is Andy Levin? Sander Levin's son. WHO ARE THE INVESTORS? Any connections to the Board of Trustees?
Another "prewritten resolution" before ANY PUBLIC HEARING.... sounds like a done deal.
All the taxpayers should read the fine print in the link above. We have too much government approving things without fully reading or understanding what they are approving. My opinion.
From the pre-written "RESOLUTION"..... "...financing energy projects..."
AGENDA ITEM #7 Board Packet
Who checks the list of bills to be paid???
Who OK's the payments? Ultimately the Trustees... but do any of them read it and ask questions?
I think the payroll and voucher list should indicate FROM WHICH FUND the money is being withdrawn. Seriously... read the list... in the board packet. The bottom figure of:
$1,901,277.06... for this 2 week pay cycle??? Mattress King? and other items...
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