I am including a meeting notice presented to me by a group of township residents asking for support at an upcoming meeting. How will the leadership vote? There is a Board of Trustees meeting where certain decisions will be made..or possibly tabled on Monday, April 11, 2016. The issue is more than requesting 94 parking spaces, it is about a neighborhood that has changed because one parcel has become more commercialized and because of an agreement that has not been honored. Residential property should not have active commercial uses, especially a banquet hall that can seat 750 people.
In December of 1993, this particular property was a closed elementary school, zoned residential and for sale. Because of the zoning, a Special Land Use Agreement was finalized with the Township, the neighborhoods and the community group wishing to purchase the land and building and put down roots. It's been more than two decades since that agreement was made... but still valid and should be honored.
That is basically what the neighbors are asking the township and the community group to do. Honor the agreement. That will mean the township will need to deny the current proposal/site plan on the agenda. That will mean that the community group should cease uses at the building that are not permitted and/or that the township should enforce the ordinances and the agreement. This is after all, a residential neighborhood. Zoned that way. Lived that way....but now...?
A neighborhood group has created a very informative and interesting website to present the information of the Special Land Use Agreement and how the property is being used currently. It is difficult to present the history and the background of an agenda item in a 3 minute allotted time frame during public comment at the meeting. Don't forget... it's been 2 decades. Many people may not know about this Land Use Agreement. This is good information for all to read. Make sure you click on all the subject tabs in the website.
Current government leadership, families in the neighborhoods and even the membership of the community group has changed some since the Special Land Use Agreement in 1993.
The only thing that has not changed.... is the language and intent of the Special Land Use Agreement.
All three groups involved... the local government, the neighborhoods and the community group all need to remember that.... and honor it. My opinion. Marcia
“The glue that holds all relationships together --
including the relationship between the leader and the led is trust,
and trust is based on integrity.” - Brian Tracy
FYI: PLEASE USE THIS LINK FOR WEBSITE: http://unitytraffichavoc.com/
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