I have only 3 minutes to comment on 17 agenda items that I have not heard explained by the township board. My 3 minutes of public comment will come as AGENDA item # 1. Can't say all this in 3 minutes... so here are my written comments and opinions on this 12/12/16 agenda.
Board Packet is 257 pages long... has the details the township provided: @ http://bloomfieldtwpmi.minutesondemand.com/ Board of Trustees/Board Packet/12/12/16
THE PUBLIC HEARING IS IMPORTANT and all that want = may SPEAK AT THIS agenda item.
FAIR WARNING: Supervisor Savoie has changed the order of the agenda without notice before. Therefore, please be at the meeting at 7 PM.
Public Comment: watch this meeting live @ 7pm 12/12/16 :
PLEASE click on the LIVE STREAMING link.
Keep this blog handy. See what is discussed.
The minutes to be approved have clearly misrepresented the order of the agenda done 11/28/16. Agenda item # 3 went before agenda #2. Then agenda #12 was done. Then to agenda #4. The clerk can not just renumber the agenda items in the minutes.
I believe that the positions for the different boards should be posted and give the township taxpayers the opportunity to be considered for the APPOINTMENTS to those different boards by the Supervisor and the Trustees. Many of the names have not changed for years. Time for change.
What is the Grant dollar figure the township is claiming? Who is the full time employee assigned to N.E.T. ?
DPW EVENTS... are costly events. They seem to be funded from the taxpayers CABLE bills and from dedicated millage money earmarked for Roads. Using that money for DPW events from the Cable department seems to be a violation of the Headlee Amendment. There is free disposal locations that the taxpayers may use. One is on Coolidge Road between 14 and 15 Mile Rd. run by SOCWA. For our township event, is Rizzo the company that benefits? Where are the overtime wages for these events listed ? See the township budget.
from the CABLE department preliminary budget:
from the ROAD department preliminary budget
Time to review this expense ! Tree City USA What budget line item is all of this???
PUBLIC HEARING.... residents may speak to this issue during this agenda presentation
Very dangerous lot split request.
In my opinion, this is not right. There are 3 separate lots that have NOT been joined by as one.
I do not believe that someone can buy adjacent lots and then just try to divide it up using the LOT (singular) Split request.
Dangerous, because in our township there are many established subdivisions with large lots and deed restrictions. The possibility for this to occur in other subdivisions or again in this subdivision is great.
The township will NOT defend the deed restrictions yet seem to encourage this type of lot split on multiple lots to develop a new subdivision within an established subdivision. That means lawsuit by the existing neighborhood residents to stop deep pocket developers.
NO, NO, NO, NO Demolish the existing mess at this location and then submit a specific plan to vote on. There is just a concept.... and no AMENDMENTS to the Development Agreement should be made at this time. There is a major conflict of interest with Dennis Cowen being the "neutral" party. He should have recused himself at the very beginning of his appointment. Supervisor Leo Savoie should not be the Bloomfield Township representative on the JDC. Joint Development Council. Again. Major conflict of interest for Savoie with Cowen and Redico and Savoies many other real estate deals and other job.
Go back to agenda # 3 objections. Need new people on these APPOINTED boards.
Sounds OK
Public Act 152 allowed the township to be EXEMPT from this law from Sept. 2011 because prior Supervisor David Payne gave the employees an extended contract for 6 years. The employee contracts expire 3/31/17. CAN this exemption be done legally this year? Have not heard one word about the contracts being negotiated so far and who is representing the interests of the taxpayers.
There are 2 new Trustees and this item MUST be explained carefully and honestly with the new trustees and the public. This exemption ... if permitted this year... should be the last year. Therefore the employee contracts about health care/ etc. need to be dealt with now.
I have no problem with the people named for this APPOINTMENT position. However, I still have an issue with the Clerk and the violation of the FOIA that she granted illegally to Supervisor Savoie and that information was many (Population: 41,000/ but unknown # of emails collected) township residents email addresses being used in his campaign and including his slate of candidates (including the Clerk). It has been clearly stated for YEARS that the email addresses of township residents SHALL not be shared with anyone. I believe that illegal FOIA release affected the outcome of the primary election.
no problem with the meeting schedule for 2017
See my blog written and posted earlier today on this REFUNDING amendment to Bonds
Payroll and Vouchers... Yes... PROBLEMS.... what funds are being debited? What projects?
Let's start with SANTA SAVOIE: are hams/other gifts to employees? There are citizens in this township getting Meals on Wheels. When was the order made/ purchase made? Before the Nov. 8 election?
38384 Honey Baked Hams = $17,043.75
Then there is the question: 38403 Future Fence Company = $16,161.00 Really? What is this?
TRUSTEES, PLEASE don't approve the payroll and vouchers without questioning the expenditures. If you took the time to find out prior to this meeting... SAY SO at the meeting and TELL US what you learned. We may have the same concerns. Thank you.
#16 and #17
Both about the 48th District Court LEASE..... I thought that was determined when the township approved the BUDGET for the court. What went wrong? What will the outcome be?
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