There is a Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, March 12. The agenda is long. I have divided my comments of that agenda into several blogs. Read the previous one..and look for more before 3/12/12. Archived blogs can be found in the right hand column.
Agenda Item #6
You must go to pp. 82- 88 of the Board Packet for March 12, 2012 to read the agreement and the exhibits....except, only exhibits A & C are included in this packet.
Will all the trustees see the other exhibits? Why can't the public? Missing from this board packet are exhibits: B,D,E and F. WHY are they missing?
Guess what some of those exhibits explain? EXPENDITURES required of the township to comply with the standards and demands of Oakland County to perform this road maintenance contract.
If the Township didn't have this agreement....we would not have those expenditures or need to meet those costly demands. Exhibit F...that is all the road equipment the township must own.
Where is that list now?
Feb. 28, 2012
in part from the Oakland County Road Commission letter signed by: Darryl M. Heid, P.E., Director of Highway Maintenance
Feb. 29, 2012
in part from the township attorney letter signed by: Shannon K. Ozga, Esq.
March 1, 2012
in part from the public works department letter and approved by the township Supervisor office signed by: Thomas W. Trice, Director of Public Works and approved by Leo Savoie, Supervisor
IN PART..FROM THE CONTRACT....Written by the County Road Commission...for Township to sign. My comment (in larger print) follows each section of contract copied to this blog.
The township must spend $809,998.03 on Road MAINTENANCE to receive "revenue" of $607,498.53. So much for generating revenue. It seems more like a loss of about $200,000.
The township must spend ??? dollars for clerical work each month.
These reports that have been submitted over the many years would be interesting to read to see what areas of the township roads have been maintained by the township. Have these records been shared with the public or the trustees? Are they archived on the website? This township road department started in the 1970's. Our roads should be in great shape....but are they? NO.
It appears that the "Board" which was previously identified in the contract as the Road Commission has "determined and identified" equipment and personnel that the township taxpayer must provide.
The township must provide insurance for many pieces of equipment and insurance for the personnel that will be involved with this contract. If there was no road contract...there would be less equipment and less employees and less buildings and less long term benefits and pensions. The Township Road Division budget is FOUR MILLION dollars each year. Wages, Benefits, Pensions, Equipment, Buildings, Insurance, etc.
Earlier this year I wrote a blog on the Road Department Budget. Click here. The title of the blog is: Bloomfield Township Road Budget - Over One Million Dollars Too High
You have 3 minutes to comment on this agenda item number 6 at the March 12 meeting.
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