The most important thing for you to remember from this post is to GO VOTE on May 5, 2015 !!
The second most important thing to remember is... those in power don't always tell you the entire truth. The STATE ballot issue is NOT just for roads.
The STATE ballot issue will CHANGE THE STATE CONSTITUTION if passed.
What is the actual constitutional language being changed? What will it say? What other laws will change if this ballot proposal passes? What other new taxes will be levied? What other entities does the money fund? Who decides? Not you.
IF the state ballot proposal is approved:
The MI sales tax will INCREASE from 6% to 7% on ALL GOODS purchased and that number will not be reduced or expire in the future. Everything that is taxed will cost more. PLUS, there will be other laws enacted... and more taxes will be placed on other goods. the ballot carefully and realize that MUCH IS MISSING....what legal language is missing? Vote NO...
Our Michigan State Legislators apparently were more interested in going home in December 2014 than representing our best interests.
FYI: I heard that this BALLOT ISSUE is costing the state $10 MILLION dollars. Perhaps that $10 million should have been dedicated to fixing our roads !
FYI: I also learned that the SCHOOL DISTRICTS get a free ride on this election. It will NOT cost your school district money to be on the ballot. So it looks like they are reaching for the moon with their ballot proposals!
For Bloomfield Township residents... there are 4 school districts. Three have ballot proposals May 5, 2015:
Bloomfield Hills
CONFUSING LANGUAGE: THIS IS REALLY TWO MILLAGES for a period of ten years... read carefully...almost $32 be used for "general operating purposes". I wonder... is the new high school really over budget? Stop the crazy funding and building and deal with reality. It is time for BHSD taxpayers to say NO ! My opinion.
BOND PROPOSAL: CAUTION: technology changes rapidly...this bond is 20 years. The Bond money can NOT be use for the most expensive budget items... read carefully the very last line of the ballot proposal... $66 Million. Does that mean more new millages are in the future ? Say NO to this huge Bond proposal. My opinion.
DESPERATE: ... What will a five year "sinking fund" @2.87 mills/ a little more than $7 Million... do for a FAILING school district? If money is needed for "construction or repair"... why not QUICKLY sell the 17 properties/and others not listed for sale to generate revenue and stop maintenance fees and repairs?
Enrollment is DROPPING...and Pontiac HS was the state's bottom ranked school. Can you blame the many suburban households ( Bl. Twp., W. Bl., Sylvan Lake, Auburn Hills, Lake Angelus, Waterford, Orion) that are located in the Pontiac school district for wanting out and reassigned to adjacent school districts? Best way for that to happen...go VOTE.... quit voting yes and let the district DISSOLVE. Now is the best time to vote NO. Say NO on all future millages until the State ends this district for good. Save the students... send them to better schools. My opinion.
Avondale School district put their proposal on the November 2014 ballot. They asked for $2.175 Million for a 6 year BOND. It passed with 62% of those voting. November is the BEST month to have ballot questions. Thank you, Avondale School District.
Hello Ms. Robovitsky:
ReplyDeleteThank you for informing the public and providing residents of Bloomfield Township with information on tax proposals within our various neighborhoods. Could you please blog on the Pontiac schools millage proposal on the special election ballot on August 4, 2015? Thank you!