Board of Trustees meeting MONDAY, JUNE 22 @ 7 PM
Here is the AGENDA... however, you need to go to the BOARD PACKET for DETAILS:
for those that need help:
Go to the website above then:
Double Click on the words: Board of Trustees
Then: Double Click on the words in the drop down menu: Board Packet
Then: Double Click on the new drop down menu to the right and Double CLICK on the 2015
Then: another drop down menu comes up: and then Double CLICK on June 22, 2015
THEN YOU HAVE TO WAIT.... the packet is almost 300 pages.....and it takes time to load
TAKE NOTE: 294 pages to read in the BOARD PACKET: posted on 6/18/15 to the website
(scroll down in this post to read my comments on this agenda)
#3 and #8
Annual Reports for the Fire Department and the Public Works Dept...... Lots of info in the annual reports.... didn't include cost for all wages in figures/charts.... Learn where the fire stations are located and what equipment/manpower is there... Learn about the Road, Water and Sewer, Fleet Division, Facilities Division, Grounds Division and staffing/ equipment...
FYI: I wonder when the Senior Center will do an Annual Report... it's been 10 years now..about time.
NEW FOIA information starting July 1, 2015.... because of Act 563 of 2014. Apparently you will be paying for wages and pensions as part of the FEES to get Freedom of Information Act requests. Read the many pages on new rules. So much for promoting open and transparent government. Take your wallet out... it's going to cost big time to see PUBLIC INFORMATION.
What did the Township negotiate with COMCAST CABLE company? Read the many contract pages.
FYI: When the cable budget had a surplus in the past... the township put the money in the general fund or other places... Wonder what $$$ will be there after this fiscal year and wonder where it will go...?
Another Issuance of BONDS: for all the 4 current subdivision road projects... to be paid by THEM (each household affected).... but guaranteed by US (all Twp. taxpayers).
Say NO to $5000 donation to 501c BBCC....check out how much goes to payroll...etc.. and how little for kids/ BL.Township uses a totally BS reason to justify a donation in the past... read it all in the packet. Time to STOP this donation. At one time.. the donation was as high as $17,000.
Birmingham Fireworks... asking Twp. for money. Does Twp. provide any traffic/crowd control already? Is there a former Twp. fireman/now Birmingham fireman/ on ASKING committee for money?? Is he collecting a pension from TWP??? I don't know for sure... but HE can donate as well as anyone else to the fireworks... but not OUR tax dollars. Watch the township give our money away?
#5 and # 10
What ever happened to PRIVATE donations??? TAX DOLLARS are not for donating. My opinion.
Take time to check out payroll and vouchers. Do the trustees REALLY know about all these expenses? 3 Million... out... just this pay period. ie: Signature Ford: $117,289 ???? and other line items...
Below are NOT agenda items and will NOT BE DISCUSSED at the meeting, (but should) ... however, you can find the details in the Board Packet after the agenda items:
1. TIF- Tax Increment Financing Policy.... read the many pages.... would this have something to do with redeveloping the property/mess on Telegraph north of Square Lake Rd.?
2. How is Lahser Road repaving being paid for... read those pages.
3. Oakland Co. Road Commission news tells of $2 million from TROY to do A LOT of concrete repairs in the city on County roads. Is that $2 million to pay for the concrete or the employees... my guess is for the concrete... vs the township road dept. $4.4 million plus budget ( )with only several hundred thousand targeted for cement road the subdivisions... not County roads.
4. other reports and resolutions
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