REMEMBER, the ONLY time for public comment is the FIRST agenda item before you hear ANYTHING on the agenda. You have 3 minutes. Savoie has shut down public comment mainly because I have been speaking on most issues. His bad governance was shown and revealed by me and others. He doesn't like he ended public comment after each agenda item and before the Trustees vote.
More bad ... on this agenda item. There is no way to comment on all this in 3 minutes, especially since all the data is NOT revealed in the board packet.
Let me just say that Supervisor Savoie is continuing to propose giving favors to developers (see agenda #7). Payments going to a Developer not to the township. Over $40,000 each. More data and facts needed.
Savoie is continuing HIS way of giving SOME people sewers without developing a S.A.D. (Special Assessment District) for the project and costs. (see agenda # 6) He is using water and sewer money that was paid by others to pay for this proposed project. Very similar to the Long Pointe Sewer project that is still contested as a violation of the Headlee Amendment.
By not holding PUBLIC HEARINGS on these two issues, Savoie has cut off public comment and public noticing. We're talking over $30,000 per homeowner in affected area and possible condemnation of one homeowner's property for an easement to do the project. A new driveway for one property. Again... no petition, no SAD, no public hearing....all this started costing township dollars when ONE person said they wanted sewers. There is such a thing as engineered septic systems and other remedies.
Agenda #3,4,8 presented by our new Treasurer, Brian Kepes. 2 committees not needed... but since he may not be totally qualified for this job, he needs assistance? Just wondering. What's with this "Treasurer's Update" agenda item ? Similar to "Supervisor's Update" where NOTHING is presented in the board packet with details. Supposedly the Trustees get the same packet as the public. So the Trustees must WAIT to know what the Treasurer is going to say? Aren't there documents to go along with anything the treasurer may say?
The recent E-News bragged about saving over $2 million in the re-bonding. Honestly, show me the FACTS. After paying fees to three different companies involved in the transactions and the interest rates secured.... show me the facts.
Agenda #9 is going to closed session for the 48th District Court. Lease fees and repair fees I believe are being discussed. What other "pending litigation" is going on? If the Township doesn't pay attention to the Village at Bloomfield and the Brownfield... the township may be losing the 3 mills each year from Pontiac from that project.
Agenda #10 will result from the closed session #9.
Agenda #11 is Payroll and Vouchers for 2 different pay periods. It was curious to see over $24,000 payment to a company called Milliman. They are an actuarial company that does the work every two years. It's not been two years. So? New Treasurer Kepes apparently requested a review of our status before the rebonding occurred. Did he use Milliman to help get info to Standard and Poors or Moody? At no Board of Trustees meeting did I hear anyone approving EXTRA costs to get an updated rating. All that rating seems BS that can be bought. Was it?
For the Board Packet go to : Click on Board of Trustees, Board Packet from drop down menu, 2017, January 9 WAIT for it to load.
My opinions above, agenda and board packet below.
Show up promptly.... if wish to comment.... 7 pm sharp.... three minutes only... Monday, Jan. 9, 2017
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