Wednesday, November 9, 2011

City of Sylvan Lake Approves Public Safety Millage

Hi All,
I am pleased to report that out of the 1497 registered voters in the City of Sylvan Lake, 711 voters cast their ballot in the Public Safety millage.  The final tally was 431 YES votes versus 290 No votes.  The City of Sylvan Lake will to able to afford their own police department.

City of Sylvan Lake minutes of June 29, 2011 Study Session
Discussion of Police Department
  • "Chief Silver explained the Police Reserve program that has been started. He explained that they started working on this program about a year ago. He explained the interview and hiring process the potential reserves went through along with training at the reserve academy, background check and medical screening. The hiring process was treated the same as a full or part time officer. He went on to explain the various duties the reserves perform."

The minutes of this study session continue with detail on how the police chief was proceeding to help make his department more cost effective.  Apparently, his vision for the police department won the voters confidence.  The reserve officers currently serving the City of Sylvan Lake most likely promoted the yes vote by providing excellent service and visibility to the residents.

I applaud the efforts of the City of Sylvan Lake leaders to keep all residents informed of the difficult decisions before them to keep their city viable and on budget.  Their power point presentation clearly informed them about outsourcing the police and dispatch departments.  Police Chief Silver actively promoted the police reserve option.  The voters were asked to make a choice at the ballot box.

As a resident of Bloomfield Township, we were not informed on the ongoing negotiations with the City of Sylvan Lake.  Had this millage failed in Sylvan Lake, Bloomfield Township was prepared to perform those police and dispatch duties for a "fee".  Bloomfield Township police vehicles and officers would have been servicing Sylvan Lake.  Where were our leaders in keeping the Township residents informed?  Our tax dollars were part of the proposed negotiations.  Where was our choice?


  1. Wow, I can't believe Sylvan Lake residents supported the 5-mill cost for their small department when they had such a great dept and price in Bloomfield. Wonder what the governor thinks? And what's up with the 8 police cars not being used? Were they being saved for Sylvan Lake?

  2. Glad they voted for the millage in Sylvan Lake since this was in my opinion not a good thing for township taxpayers.
