A lot has been happening since the November 2016 election at Bloomfield Township.
Here is the latest:
Request for Proposal for Investment Adviser and Consulting Services
The Charter Township of Bloomfield, Michigan is seeking an investment adviser and consultant for its various fiduciary funds. The Township has not created an independent board to manage these assets, but it does have a Financial Sustainability Committee that is involved in this RFP process.
Sealed written responses must be received, on or before 5:00pm, EST, Thursday, June 15, 2017

UPDATE (8-18-17) This has been REMOVED from the Township website. Here is the message I received from our Township Clerk: (FOIA the information)
The RFP has been removed from the website as the deadline was 6/15/17. If you are interested in another copy, I am happy to provide it for you. However, we remove postings or notices after the due date to avoid confusion with application deadlines and maintain current postings. Check Google.
Jan Roncelli, MMC
Bloomfield Township Clerk
4200 Telegraph
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
248.642.7610 Fax
Township office hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Closed on Friday
PS: more on finances at the township in a blog to come...